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The Year of Commitment

To commit is to decide, and to decide is to cut off. For most of my life, I have struggled with commitment. When I dig into why, I recognize that commitment scares me, not necessarily because of any potential harm that might come of it, but because it means saying no to options and opportunities that I know I would enjoy. It is the fear of missing out (FOMO) that I’m ultimately scared of. ...

January 31, 2025 · 4 min

eskild.art: building for the future

Art and AI but not AI-generated art. Updated Tech Stack During this recent holiday break, I had some time to work on eskild.art, and I’m excited to share those updates here. Although I haven’t added any new art (yet), the site has been redesigned from the ground up. The initial version was a FastAPI app on GCP Cloud Run using basic HTML Jinja templates; it was simple but got the job done. The new version is now running Django with Tailwind CSS using Postgres deployed on Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE). ...

January 5, 2025 · 3 min

The Return to Norway

Last weekend was the first time in over 16 years that I returned to Norway, my birthplace and the home of my father’s side of the family. I don’t have any good reason for not returning sooner, and even fewer good reasons since graduating from university. As I prepared for the visit and reached out to family and old friends, I felt this internal resistance and sense of fear. But what was there to be scared of? ...

September 30, 2024 · 3 min

EAGxBerkeley: Thoughts and Reflections

I attended EAGxBerkeley last weekend, and wanted to capture a few thoughts and ideas before my memory taints them any further. For context, this was my first EA conference, making it hard for me to compare with other EA conferences, I don’t live in the Bay Area so part of my excitement might be an artifact of the novelty and being with friends, and, I’m a software engineer who uses and builds with AI on a regular basis but I’m not an AI safety researcher. At a high-level, I would rate this among the most entertaining and worthwhile conferences I’ve attended; it was also hosted at one of the most unique venues I’ve been to, the Lighthaven. The event organizers and volunteers deserve another round of applause for all of their great work! ...

September 12, 2024 · 3 min

In the beginning, there was hardware

The home lab. Sounds cool, you should get yourself one ;) Here’s how I got started quickly and cheaply. Requirements Besides cost and speed, I have a few other requirements and preferences that should help simplify the process and hopefully make it more useful long-term. First, given that I’m writing this on my M1 Macbook - with it’s arm chip - it makes sense for me to have a dedicated x86_64 machine. Second, I want a stable, widely used, Linux OS meant for servers. One that has a package manager with large selection of packages but also plenty of resources online to help me troubleshoot and learn. ...

August 27, 2024 · 4 min

Jumping off cliffs

Grand Canyon (1924) by Gunnar Mauritz Widforss We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down. This quote by Kurt Vonnegut has been on my mind since I encountered it about a month ago. Good quotes can capture a truth about the world in an elegant and poetic ways, always making you wish you had come up with it yourself. The difficulty in trying to describe certain truths is that they cannot, by their very nature, be expressed in language. ...

June 2, 2024 · 3 min

Smartphones as Pocketknives

Modern smartphones retain the name of the tool they were initially designed as, phones. The irony is that making traditional phone calls probably makes up only a tiny fraction of what most people use their phones for these days. If you’re an iPhone user, have a look at your Screen Time to get a more accurate sense of how you actually use your phone. If I had to guess, social media, video streaming, and messaging top the list, and perhaps in quantities that you would be a little embarrassed to admit. ...

January 26, 2024 · 8 min

What's your humor setting Co-Pilot?

As it currently stands, I pay for two AI services, ChatGPT Plus and GitHub's Co-Pilot but this number will surely increase in the coming months and years. I think the term “co-pilot” perfectly captures the current relationship; these are tools that help me automate some of the boring or tedious tasks while also acting as an assistant that I can use to bounce ideas off. Recently, while working on a side project, I needed a real URL for some testing. As I began to type out url = "https://, Co-Pilot generated a suggestion that I could accept by hitting tab. At this point, it didn’t matter what the URL was so I accepted the suggestion. Any guesses what the URL was for? What if I told you it was for a YouTube video? ...

December 9, 2023 · 3 min

The Giant Sequoia

Photo by Nils Rasmusson on Unsplash Forest fires bring death and destruction, yet they also catalyze the birth of new plant life. The fire clears the overcrowded underbrush to create space and opportunities for the next generation, a cycle necessary for the health of the forest. However, like so many things, the quantity matters. Too little fire and not enough space is created for the next generation, while on the other hand, too much fire and the entire forest burns down. ...

August 13, 2023 · 4 min

eskild.art: going live

eskild.art is now live! I have plenty of ideas on what this might morph into but for now, it’s simply a gallery. Can you solve the riddle to view the image?

July 30, 2023 · 1 min